Best Bibtex Client For Mac

For use with BibTeX and (la)TeX, BibDesk is a GUI front-end for managing BibTeX databases in their original.bib form. Search, organize, and cite with drag n' drop. Publish bibliographies to the. MyBib is a mobile BibTeX bibliography manager for iOS. Just enter an ISBN (with barcode scanner or manually) and the additional information like title, author, publisher, artworks etc. Will be added automatically. Great for academics or for keeping track of what you read. Add and save your own comments.


BibTex is a program that reads entries from a database of citationsbased on the output of LATEX andthen makes a bibliography file thatLATEX can insert into thedocument. There is lots to say about BibTex (and some good manuals that doit well) but here are some essentials I have found useful and not coveredin the books. (There is a lot to say and learn about LATEX too).

Finding the material for a BibTex database is a chapter of itsown, covered at least briefly at

There is a repository ofbibtex files available for use at the SCI Institute.

Quick Links:

There are a suggestions when using BibTex:

  1. The standard way to show citations in the text is as ``[N]' where N is the reference number in the bibliography. We often use a style and a package called as usepackage[super]{cite} in the LaTeX file that writes them as superscripted numbers. This style is also smart enough to find sequences of numbers and compress them, e.g., text1,2,3,4,5,9 becomes text1-5,9.
  2. Enter refs as you go and do not leave them all to the last minute! This makes for unnecessary stress when we need it least. Give us your refs in whatever form you have and we can get them entered now.
  3. If you are part of SCI (or otherwise smart and organized), please note the key naming conventions we use. You can find these in the SCI Bibtex tips web page.

The default location for the Bibtex files for a document are in the samedirectory as that document. A slightly better solution is to have adirectory that holds all your Bibtex files and then hard-wire the commandsin LateX to find those files.

A better way (the best way?) is to store all your Bibtex files in oneplace in your computer, ideally managed through a system like Subversion,and then to tell the Bibtex program where to look. How this works dependson the operating system and the Bibtex application, of course, but here aresome typical examples. I found a lot of this information at this web site by Julien Dutant .

  • Unix, in all its flavors.
    This is the simplest but not the most common, sadly. The solution requires, of course, on an Environmental variable, which users typically set in a start script like .bashrc (for the Bash shell). This bit of code also sets the TEXINPUTS environment variable, which is also helpful when one has some style files that are stored in a common directory and need to be available to all LaTeX files. ${HOME} is a built in variable that is set to be a user's home directory so this bit of code sets my LaTeX directory to ~macleod/tex/latex and my Bibtex directory to ~macleod/litbase/bibtex.
  • TexShop on the Mac (OSX)
    TexShop is based on TexLive and TeXLive requires a pre-set location, i.e., you cannot adjust this location and must store all .bib files in this place. The files go in
    or subfolders of this directory.

    Of course, this directory is not directly visible in the modern versions of Mac OSX and the Finder, thus protecting users from all this tedious detail? To access the ~/Library directory, either use a terminal or use the 'Go' command in the Finder but hold down the the option key to see this directory in the list. Here is what the result should look like:

    Once visible, you can maneuver to the texmf/ directory and then add the necessary bibtex/bib directories and store bibtex files there.

    I like to keep things in the same (visible) place for all programs that use bibtex so I have created a link between this standard location and the place TexShop wants to see things. This is a Terminal command so use with the usual care: You should then see something like the following (again from a terminal window): A above, this assumes my bibtex files are all in my directory.

  • WinEdt
    In the control menu: Menu > Options > Executions Modes...
    A window opens with several tabs. In the 'Console Applications' tab, you find a list of commands. Select bibtex, and add to the 'Switches' field:

NIH requires public disclosure of journal articles supported by NIHfunding and all such articles receive a code called the PMCID as part ofthe PubMed system. As an NIH funded researcher, you MUST include this codeevery time you cite such a reference, especially in progress reports,proposals, and biosketches.

To support this code in BibTeX, I have created a slightly modifiedversion of one of the most common BibTeX style files (.bst), which isavailable here.

To use this new style file,

  1. Add a field called 'pmcid' to each BibTeX reference that contains the PMCID string, which you can locate by searching for the papers in the PubMed system.
  2. Modify your bibiographystyle command to look (something) like this:

To edit a BibTex file, you can use any editor but emacs has lots ofgreat support for this process. The ones I like are Nelson Beebe's emacstools found at, in particular bibtoolsand bibtex-support.

Here is what my .emacs contains to access these:

Note that these commands assume a subdirectory called emacs/lispin which the require lisp code (.el or .elc files) isavailable.

There are some other fun software tools that can make life easier withBibTex. Most are in the public domain in one form or another and I haveincluded links where I had them--if the links fail, use Google and pleaselet me know (

5.1 EndNote

Best Bibtex Client For Mac

EndNote is notreally a program that works on BibTexfiles but it does manage citationswell and it has some support for BibTex that can make it useful.

See endnote.html for moredetails on how to convert between Endnote and BibTex.

5.2 bibclean

The goal of bibclean is to clean up syntax and layout errors in BibTexfiles so that all entries have a nice, clean look that is consistent. Theprogram will also reveal some errors in the file, which can be veryhelpful! To get bibclean, surf on over to thank Nelson Beebe for making this available.

Here are some direct links that might be helpful

  • Initialization file for bibclean, keep this somewhere that bibclean can find it.

One of the many arguments to bibclean essential for SCI databases, ifonly because it is the convention we had adopted:which I actually alias to bibclean so that I don't forget!

5.3 Mendeley

The free literature databased program Meddeley has support for Bibtex output.

5.4 Converting from Word bibliography to BibTex

This is truly amazing! There is a website called hubmed.orgthat will convert from Word document text that you copy to the web pageinto Bibtex files! It actually works.

This program is some sort of search engine interface to Pubmed and itmanages to parse the text and propose matches for each entry in thebibliography. I am really impressed with this tool!

Best Bibtex Client For Mac

5.5 Testing a BibTex file

There is a simple way to test a BibTex file for completeness usingLATEX and the bibtex commands fromyour own computer. Testing is a good plan, especially if you do it afterediting the file and not when you are in a hurry and have to build adocument using the file.

To test a BibTex file, make a LaTeX file, call it testbib.texwith the following contents:where ``sci' is the name of the BibTex file to test.

Then runand the output will list all the errors or warnings resulting from tryingto parse the file sci.bib. Some of the output will be warningsthat you can ignore but other errors can be fatal the next time you use thefile.

5.5 BibDesk

BibDesk is a Mac OSX program to edit and manage your bibliography. It willkeep track of both the bibliographic information and the associated filesor web links for you. Read more

5.6 JabRef

JabRef is a new cross platform,open source program to edit and manage your bibliography. It performssearches and downloads articles (assuming they are open access) and seemsto have a lot of customlization options. It claims to integrate well withmany LaTeX systems/editors, including eXstudio, LyX, Kile, LatexEditor,Emacs, Vim, and WinEdt.

Last modified: Sat Mar 25 08:37:38 MDT 2017

This article is for network administrators and others who manage their own network. If you're trying to join a Wi-Fi network, one of these articles should help:

  • Mac: Connect to Wi-Fi and resolve Wi-Fi issues.
  • iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Connect to Wi-Fi and resolve Wi-Fi issues.

Before changing the settings on your router

  1. Back up your router's settings, in case you need to restore the settings.
  2. Update the software on your devices. This is critical to ensure that your devices have the latest security updates and work best with each other.
    • First install the latest firmware updates for your router.
    • Then update the software on your other devices, such as on your Mac and on your iPhone or iPad.
  3. On each device that previously joined the network, you might need to forget the network to ensure that the device uses the router's new settings when rejoining the network.

Router settings

To ensure that your devices can reconnect reliably to your network, apply these settings consistently to each Wi-Fi router and access point, and to each band of a dual-band, tri-band, or other multiband router.

Network name (SSID)

A single, unique name (case-sensitive)

The Wi-Fi network name, or SSID (service set identifier), is the name your network uses to advertise its presence to other devices. It's also the name that nearby users see on their device's list of available networks.

Use a name that's unique to your network, and make sure that all routers on your network use the same name for every band they support. For example, don't use common names or default names such as linksys, netgear, dlink, wireless, or 2wire, and don't give your 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands different names.

If you don't follow this guidance, devices might not connect reliably to your network, to all routers on your network, or to all available bands of your routers. And devices that join your network are more likely to encounter other networks that have the same name, and then automatically try to connect to them.

Hidden network


A router can be configured to hide its network name (SSID). Your router might incorrectly use ”closed” to mean hidden, and ”broadcast” to mean not hidden.

Hiding the network name doesn't conceal the network from detection or secure it against unauthorized access. And because of the way that devices search for and connect to Wi-Fi networks, using a hidden network might expose information that can be used to identify you and the hidden networks you use, such as your home network. When connected to a hidden network, your device might show a privacy warning because of this privacy risk.

To secure access to your network, use the appropriate security setting instead.


WPA3 Personal for better security, or WPA2/WPA3 Transitional for compatibility with older devices

The security setting defines the type of authentication and encryption used by your router, and the level of privacy protection for data transmitted over its network. Whichever level of security you choose, always set a strong password for joining the network.

  • WPA3 Personal is the newest, most secure protocol currently available for Wi-Fi devices. It works with all devices that support Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), and some older devices.
  • WPA2/WPA3 Transitional is a mixed mode that uses WPA3 Personal with devices that support that protocol, while allowing older devices to use WPA2 Personal (AES) instead.
  • WPA2 Personal (AES) is appropriate when you can't use one of the more secure modes. In that case, also choose AES as the encryption or cipher type, if available.

Settings that turn off security, such as None, Open, or Unsecured, are strongly discouraged. Turning off security disables authentication and encryption and allows anyone to join your network, access its shared resources (including printers, computers, and smart devices), use your internet connection, and monitor data transmitted over your network or internet connection (including the websites you visit). This is a risk even if security is turned off temporarily or for a guest network.

Don't create or join networks that use older, deprecated security protocols like WPA/WPA2 Mixed Mode, WPA Personal, TKIP, Dynamic WEP (WEP with 802.1X), WEP Transitional Security Network, WEP Open, or WEP Shared. These are no longer secure, and they reduce network reliability and performance. Apple devices show a security warning when joining such networks.

MAC address filtering, authentication, access control


When this feature is enabled, your router can be set up to allow only devices that have specified MAC (media access control) addresses to join the network. You shouldn't rely on this feature to prevent unauthorized access to your network, for these reasons:

  • It doesn't prevent network observers from monitoring or intercepting traffic on the network.
  • MAC addresses can easily be copied, spoofed (impersonated), or changed.
  • To help protect user privacy, some Apple devices use a different MAC address for each Wi-Fi network.

To secure access to your network, use the appropriate security setting instead.

Automatic firmware updates


If possible, set your router to automatically install software and firmware updates as they become available. Firmware updates can affect the security settings available to you, and they deliver other important improvements to the stability, performance, and security of your router.

Radio mode

All (preferred),or Wi-Fi 2 through Wi-Fi 6 (802.11a/g/n/ac/ax)

These settings, available separately for the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, control which versions of the Wi-Fi standard the router uses for wireless communication. Newer versions offer better performance and support more devices concurrently.

It's usually best to enable every mode offered by your router, rather then a subset of those modes. All devices, including older devices, can then connect using the fastest radio mode they support. This also helps reduce interference from nearby legacy networks and devices.


Enable all bands supported by your router

A Wi-Fi band is like a street over which data can flow. More bands provide more data capacity and performance for your network.



Each band of your router is divided into multiple, independent communication channels, like lanes in a street. When channel selection is set to automatic, your router selects the best Wi-Fi channel for you.

If your router doesn't support automatic channel selection, choose whichever channel performs best in your network environment. That varies depending on the Wi-Fi interference in your network environment, which can include interference from any other routers and devices that are using the same channel. If you have multiple routers, configure each to use a different channel, especially if they are close to each other.

Channel width

20MHz for the 2.4GHz band
Auto orall widths (20MHz, 40MHz, 80MHz) for the 5GHz band

Channel width specifies how large of a ”pipe” is available to transfer data. Wider channels are faster but more susceptible to interference and more likely to interfere with other devices.

  • 20MHz for the 2.4GHz band helps to avoid performance and reliability issues, especially near other Wi-Fi networks and 2.4GHz devices, including Bluetooth devices.
  • Auto or all channel widths for the 5GHz band ensures the best performance and compatibility with all devices. Wireless interference is less of a concern in the 5GHz band.


Enabled, if your router is the only DHCP server on the network

DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) assigns IP addresses to devices on your network. Each IP address identifies a device on the network and enables it to communicate with other devices on the network and internet. A network device needs an IP address much like a phone needs a phone number.

Your network should have only one DHCP server. If DHCP is enabled on more than one device (such as on both your cable modem and router), address conflicts might prevent some devices from connecting to the internet or using network resources.

DHCP lease time

8 hours for home or office networks; 1 hour for hotspots or guest networks

DHCP lease time is the length of time that an IP address assigned to a device is reserved for that device.

Wi-Fi routers usually have a limited number of IP addresses that they can assign to devices on the network. If that number is depleted, the router can't assign IP addresses to new devices, and those devices can't communicate with other devices on the network and internet. Reducing DHCP lease time allows the router to more quickly reclaim and reassign old IP addresses that are no longer being used.


Enabled, if your router is the only device providing NAT on the network


NAT (network address translation) translates between addresses on the internet and addresses on your network. NAT can be understood by imagining a company's mail department, where deliveries to employees at the company's street address are routed to employee offices within the building.

Generally, enable NAT only on your router. If NAT is enabled on more than one device (such as on both your cable modem and router), the resulting ”double NAT” might cause devices to lose access to certain resources on the network or internet.



Bibtex Download

WMM (Wi-Fi multimedia) prioritizes network traffic to improve the performance of a variety of network applications, such as video and voice. All routers that support Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) or later should have WMM enabled by default. Disabling WMM can affect the performance and reliability of devices on the network.

Device features that can affect Wi-Fi connections

These features might affect how you set up your router or the devices that connect to it.

Private Wi-Fi Address

If you're connecting to a Wi-Fi network from an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch, learn about using private Wi-Fi addresses in iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and watchOS 7.

Location Services

Make sure that your device has Location Services turned on for Wi-Fi networking, because regulations in each country or region define the Wi-Fi channels and wireless signal strength allowed there. Location Services helps to ensure that your device can reliably see and connect to nearby devices, and that it performs well when using Wi-Fi or features that rely on Wi-Fi, such as AirPlay or AirDrop.

On your Mac:

  1. Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Security & Privacy.
  2. Click the lock in the corner of the window, then enter your administrator password.
  3. In the Privacy tab, select Location Services, then select Enable Location Services.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the list of apps and services, then click the Details button next to System Services.
  5. Select Wi-Fi Networking, then click Done.

On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.
  2. Turn on Location Services.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list, then tap System Services.
  4. Turn on Networking & Wireless (or Wi-Fi Networking).

Auto-Join when used with wireless carrier Wi-Fi networks

Wireless carrier Wi-Fi networks are public networks set up by your wireless carrier and their partners. Your iPhone or other Apple cellular device treats them as known networks and automatically connects to them.

If you see ”Privacy Warning” under the name of your carrier's network in Wi-Fi settings, your cellular identity could be exposed if your device were to join a malicious hotspot impersonating your carrier's Wi-Fi network. To avoid this possibility, you can prevent your iPhone or iPad from automatically rejoining your carrier’s Wi-Fi network:

  1. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi.
  2. Tap next to the wireless carrier's network.
  3. Turn off Auto-Join.