Fallout Tactics Exit Vehicle

The player receives a Hummer during the mission in Macomb and the goal is to deliver it to the exit grid. The combination of high capacity, excellent speed, and versatility makes it an excellent vehicle for general use on the world map. Sadly, it cannot be taken into subsequent missions. Fallout Tactics Interview. Evacuate the soldiers (Exit A). The APC is a tough vehicle, and you can use it to protect your troops while dealing.

By HitSpongeHitSponge. Last updated


Character Stats:
S: 7
P: 7
E: 10
C: 2
I: 9
A: 10
L: 2

Fallout tactics walkthrough

Fast Shot

Tag Skills:
Small Guns

Lvl 3: Stonewall (Less likely to be knocked down)
Lvl 6: Loner (10% increase to all skills when alone)
Lvl 9: Bonehead (50% less likely to be knocked unconscious)
Lvl 12: Hit the Deck (50% less splash damage taken)
Lvl 15: Bonus Rate Of Fire (-1 AP per shot)
Lvl 18: Action Boy (+1 AP)
Lvl 21: Action Boy (+1 AP)

Helpful info:
(Metal/Tesla Armor = Shoot Faster)
(Try All Missions at Night for less enemy chance to hit)
(Control click to distribute all points)
(Shift click to distribute 10 points)
(Cheyenne Mountain can get 1 squad member to drive APC)
(Voodoo increases critical chance by 20% per dose)

Skill Point Allocation:
Lvl 2: All in Small Guns 91%
Lvl 3: All in Outdoorsman til 100%.
Lvl 3: Shauri Guns & Bullets 106%
Lvl 6: Loner +10% All. Steal to 90%
Lvl 8-12: All in Doctor til 100%
Lvl 15 All in Energy Weapons around 120%
Lvl 16+ Add points in science if needed up to 100%.

Brahmin Wood:
Give stimpacks and shotgun from Stitch to main character. Use shotgun.
Kill leader and loot. Loot chest. Run to exit.

Bunker Alpha:
Go to Quarter Master.
Sell all from Farsight and Stitch.
Give all money to main character.
Buy shotgun rounds (200) $2580
Remove Farsight and Stitch at Recruits Master.

Run north past all enemies and go past whiskey still. Run up to alarm and use it to break it and kill nearby enemies.
Run into Brahmin Wood leader tent and shoot nearby raider and raider laying down. Loot one AK47.
Talk to Brahmin Wood leader twice.
Run to exit with him.

Bunker Alpha:
Buy Guns & Bullets from Shauri. One AK47 will be enough to trade.

Rock Falls:
Run to base door. Kill Daisy/Luke/Bo/Jesse.
Talk to Diesoon twice.
Loot drugs from Jesse and shelf.
Loot Diesoon for Big Book of Science.
Run to exit.

Bunker Beta:
Get missions from General Barnaky. Exit.

Run to vehicle. Go to gate 1. Throw switch.
Go to ladder of building with key. Get key and drive to switch 2. Throw switch.
Use Voodoo for safety or run to the right of the raiders near the gate.
Kill rocket and rifle raider. Throw switch for gate 3.
Drive to gate 4. Run upstairs and throw switch.
Drive to top of minefield and down the side of the building and only hit one mine.
Drive through down to gate 5.
Throw switch and set sentry to passive.
Drive to barriers and destroy one and drive to exit.

Shoot Shaman Dhali Loot. Bring tribe to stairs. Shoot all.
Loot blue and green tribal men for voodoo.
Use voodoo (x7) to kill turret. Loot 660 micro fusion cell from turret.
Use voodoo before running past Roachor to get last battery.
Gather 3 Batteries and exit map.

Bunker Beta:
Get missions from General Barnaky.
Buy metal armor.

Run to right of building with Mayor. Climb ladders. Run to alarm in Commander room.
Kill Commander. Talk to Mayor. Disarm alarm system on roof.
Run to building with Daughter. Climb ladder. Go down stairs. Use 2 voodoo or 1 psycho.
Kill deathclaw and 2 raiders in main room. Kill 3 raiders in back room. Exit southeast.

Run west past all enemies. Go down stairs.
Run to pit and back up ladder. Kill 2 beastlords.
Run up stairs to Mother Deathclaw cell. Kill nearby guards take key then release Mother.
Run back out and south to exit while Mother kills Daar.

Bunker Gamma:
Get missions. Steal from medic. Put super stimpacks in any hand slot.

St. Louis:
Drive to 2nd bridge north and up to minefield.
Run east to ladder and get mission update.
Run back to minefield. Take 1 mine hit near sign and drive past raised dirt to avoid mines.
Drive up and left past all enemies then north to Brotherhood Squad.
Park and heal Squad with super stims. Drive back when they enter APC to exit south.

Drive down to generator 1 and destroy it.
Drive north to generator 2 and destroy it..
Drive to and destroy next barrier and go north to last area.
Use 2 voodoo for safety or don't.
Kill super mutants in the way. Loot crate. Destroy generator 3. Kill Commander mutant.
Run past scientist mutant and destroy generator 4. Exit north downstairs.

Kansas City:
Use Psycho and TraumaPack to get DR to 100%. Shotgun/Ammo.
Move down south to kill commanders. Loot pancor jackhammer/ammo from chests.

Bunker Gamma:
Get missions.

Use Psycho/TraumaPack to get DR to 100%. Run north past all enemies.
Go down stairs.
Run into Gammorin room and kill him.
Run back to exit.

Fallout Tactics Exit Vehicle

Fallout Tactics Exit Vehicle

Bunker Delta:
Get missions. Sell off excess. Steal from doctor if low on supplies.

Junction City:
Take Psycho/TraumaPack.
Go southwest in city to Casey's father. Heal him with super stimpack.
Go north to Angry Rick's. Talk to Rick 3 times.
Go east to Juan's Emporium. Steal Arm.
Go north to Mayor. Steal Head from Mayor.
Go northeast running past all enemies to large house. Disarm/unlock door. Kill reavers if troublesome.
Loot table for robot body. Run southwest past enemies to exit.

Cold Water:
Store all excess gear. Need at least 126 free lbs.
Take Psycho/TraumaPack.
Run up 2 stairs. Run northwest.
Run up stairs past guards. Kill 3 guards loot power armor. Run south go southwest of minefield to avoid mines.
Run up to and kill power armor guard and loot power armor. Run north kill as necessary.
Kill thief and loot last power armor. Run back to exit.
Go straight to Great Bend.

Great Bend:
Get DR to 100%
Take laser rifle from robot to kill 3 sentrybots in warehouse or run up with shotgun.
(Using environmental armor may help here)
Kill all robots. Line them up to shoot multiple bots with pancor jackhammer.
Exit past crusher.

Get Power Armor MKII from fridge down a hidden ladder.
Save 4 Reaver Leaders.
Get prototype EMP rifle. Exit.

Bunker Epsilon:
Get missions. Sell off excess. Buy shotgun electric rounds.

Canyon City:
Bring EMP rifle for pacification robot.
Get DR to 100%
Set 1 remote bomb for 6 power nodes.
Use electric rounds for beginning bots and tank bot.
Pick up Gatling Laser.
Read 3 computer terminals for xp.
Loot bot near 1st computer terminal for 400+ micro fusion cells.
Detonate bombs. Exit northwest.

Buena Vista:
Bring Electric Shells + Gatling Laser.
Use Psycho/TraumaPack.
Run south to gate switch. Throw switch.
Kill bots in first room with the power node. Destroy power node with Gatling Laser.
Run/kill as necessary.
Destroy power plant/power nodes.
Open chest after opening gate. Exit.

Bunker Epsilon:
Buy YK32 Pulse Rifle, Tesla Armor and Electric Rounds if possible.
Can sell Gatling Laser + Power Armor MKII.
Skip the Pulse Rifle if not enough money and keep prototype EMP rifle instead.

Fallout Tactics How To Exit Vehicles

Scott City:
Use Psycho/TraumaPack.
Run right then up for the back (safe/fast) way.
Run up to dead Barnaky and check/loot Barnaky's body for xp and locket.
Run to Kerr and kill him.
Backtrack to exit.

Bunker Epsilon:
Buy electric shotgun rounds before mission if not done.
Get additional squad member to drive APC if wanted and leave them to die in APC.

Cheyenne Mountain:
Use Psycho/TraumaPack/Any Drugs without overdosing.
Drive/Kill destroy mines as necessary to Vault 0 door.
Use electric shotgun ammo (single shot) to kill close robots.
Exit to south ladder and down to shelter. Wait for timer.

Vault 0:
Run to Security and past all enemies.
Open door and run to switch. Run to cryogenics lab and electric shotgun bots.
Use science on terminal or take head. Run to power plant. Activate 2 terminals with science.
Run and activate 3 power nodes with science. Run back to starting elevator. Activate terminal.

Fallout Tactics Download

Calculator's Lair:
Run past robots. If Barnaky chases then shoot him til he stops.
Stop at door to Calculator. Do not run in.
Shoot Calculator. Profit.