How To Set Up A Barcode Scanner With Excel For Mac

  1. Barcode Generator
  2. How To Set Up A Barcode Scanner With Excel For Mac Pro

Now that your scanner is set up properly, here's how to start using it with your Mac. The methods will differ depending on whether you use a document-feeding or flatbed scanner. Enter the RANDBETWEEN Excel function. In the first cell of the Text column, enter =RANDBETWEEN (X,Y), where X is the lowest value and Y the highest. For example, =RANDBETWEEN (100,500) will generate random numbers between 100 and 500. Fill down the row to generate random barcode numbers. You may need to connect your wireless printer to Mac with USB Cable to set up WiFi Printing. After setting up, disconnect the printer from Mac and connect it to the WiFi Network. Thereafter you should check WiFi icon on Mac. If your printer name is showing in “Available WiFi Networks”, you can directly connect it to your Mac.

Barcode Generator

How to set up a barcode scanner with excel for mac os

How To Set Up A Barcode Scanner With Excel For Mac Pro

Legacy Notice:
The AppleScript products are designed to guide Mac users that use Excel for Mac 2004 and 2008. Later versions should use the VBA Macros which are cross-platform compatible with Excel for Mac 2011 and up including Office 365.

AppleScript Tutorial for Excel using Universal Fonts

When data needs to be encoded in a barcode, the script will format the data and return a character string that will create an accurate barcode when combined with the appropriate Universal Font. As a reference, two files included in the Universal Barcode Font Package, AppleScript_Excel_Example.xls and the AppleScript_Excel_Example_IDAutomation128b.scpt file can be used as a guide. Available in the licensed version only.

  1. Open the Excel Example or a new Excel spreadsheet.
  2. In Column A, enter test data for rows A1, A2, and A3. In the example rows 1 through 3 of Column A already contain data.
  3. Save the Excel file.
  4. Open the AppleScript Editor and spreadsheet that will be used. (Ex: AppleScript_Excel_Example.xls)
  5. Paste the code below into the AppleScript file. If the sample script file is being used, the code has already been placed in the script. Make sure that only one Excel worksheet is running.
    NOTE: AppleScript_Excel_Example.xls is a working example using the following code. When using a different spreadsheet, the code will need to be modified to match the column and row set up.
  6. Save the changes, then compile and run the script. The Excel spreadsheet now contains encoded data in cells B1 through B3 on the example spreadsheet. set EncodedCell to ('B' & i) ensures that the encoded data is sent from the script directly to Column B. To send the data to another column, simply enter the Column letter.
  7. Change the font of the formula field to the IDAutomation Universal Font and set the point size. This is a very important step; if this is not done, barcodes will not be displayed. If unsure of the point size, IDAutomation recommends 12 points.
  8. Print and scan the barcode(s) to verify the correct data is encoded. If a scanner is needed to verify barcodes, IDAutomation offers their USB Barcode Scanner.