Infinite Stratos is an anime series adapted from the light novels of the same title written by author Izuru Yumizuru and illustrator Okiura published by Media Factory. The anime is produced by 8-Bit. IS: Infinite Stratos Watch Order. IS: Infinite Stratos. Infinite Stratos. Jan 7 – Apr 1, 2011 TV 12 episodes × 24min. ★6.8 (264,829) MAL. IS: Infinite Stratos Encore - Koi ni Kogareru Rokujuusou. Dec 7, 2011 OVA 1 episodes × 26min. ★6.94 (53,140) MAL. IS: Infinite Stratos 2. In a world of technological progress, females are the only ones who can pilot the most advanced military unit in history—the Infinite Stratos (IS). With this power, women have seized complete control of all political, social, and economic ventures; leaving men to the fringes of society, made to tend to the whims of their now, female overlords. That is until Orimura Ichika, the sole male. Jan 07, 2011 An exoskeleton weapon engineered by Japan, Infinite Stratos (IS) can be piloted only by women. Its power and combat prowess are so immense that an international treaty has been signed banning its use as a military asset. When it is discovered that 15-year-old Ichika Orimura is the only male capable of steering an IS, he is forcibly enrolled in the Infinite Stratos Academy: an all-female. Mar 30, 2011 Infinite Stratos is an anime series adapted from the light novels of the same title written by author Izuru Yumizuru and illustrator Okiura published by Media Factory. The anime is produced by 8-Bit, directed by Yasuhito Kikuchi, series composition by Fumihiko Shimo, character design by Tomoyasu Kurashima, art directed by Shunichiro Yoshihara and sound directed by Masafumi Mima and Toshihiko.
Infinite Stratos Watch Order - Multifileslake
Nonton Anime IS: Infinite Stratos 2 - Infinite Wedding ...
Alternative TitlesJapanese: IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉 InformationVolumes: Unknown Status: Publishing Genres:Action, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi, Harem Authors:Yumizuru, Izuru (Story), okiura (Art), CHOCO (Art) StatisticsRanked: #33212 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Members: 4,147 |