L Epee L'Epee (5) Lackner (2) Lacloche Freres (2) Laine Laine, Mathieu Lalemand, Didier Lambert, A (2) Lampe, John Landriagin Lane, Joel (3) Lane, Mark (3) Langdorff and Fills Langford, Wm and Sons Lanshire Watch Co (2) Lardot and Boyon (2) Laresche, JC Laroche Larsonneur Lashley, Edward Latama Inc Laterndluhr (4) Lathem Time Recorder Co (2) Lauris Laveissiere, a' St Laurent Lavory, Thomas Cox Law, John Lawrence, Wm & Sons Lawson, Bradford (2) Lawson Time Leach, William Leavenworth, Mark (15) Leavenworth, Mark, and Son (4) Lebret (2) Lederer, J (2) Leeb, Ludwig Lefevre Leguery, Dijon
| Lehrner, Franz (2) Lemania Watch Co (2) Lemarchand LeMoyne Lengsfeld, Fr Lenoir Lenox Watch Co Lent, DE Lenzkirch (291) Lepaut, Henry (2) Lepaute (3) Lepaute, Henry Lepine (4) Lerolle Freres Leroy (18) Leroy, Duceux LeRoy, L and Cie (3) LeRoy and Fils (4) Lesage, F Leschot, A Lescurieux Lesieur Lesperut, P Lewis, BB (11) Leze Le Ange, Arsene Cretin Le Castel Clock Co Le Coultre (116) Le Doux, Pierre Le Mallet Le Roy (19) Le Roy and Fils (7) LF (3) Libbey, P Lilley and Son Limarti Linden (9) Linet
| Lintott, Henry Lipperl, J Litchfield Mfg Co (19) Little and Eastman (3) Lizars, J Lockwood, Frederick Jas (3) Lockwood, HN Lockwood and Almquist Loheide Manufacturing Co (2) Loheide Mfg Co London, Payne (2) London and Ryder Lonergan Longines (7) Loomis, Henry Lord, John Lorenz, Josef Loundes, Jonathan Lovell Manufacturing Co (2) Lowin, F Lowrey, Alfred (2) Lowy, E LR LSF (2) Lucca Luenberger Lumsden, Anstruther D Lund and Blockley (2) Luppens, H Luther, Jurgen Luthi, F Lux (174) Luxor Lyov, Bernard L and L